Current Events

Teaching Artificial Intelligence to College Students
Teaching AI to college students requires a structured approach that balances theory, hands-on practice, and real-world applications. Here are some effective strategies: 1. Build a Strong Foundation 2. Introduce AI Concepts Step-by-Step 3. Hands-On Learning 4. Leverage AI Tools and Frameworks 5. Encourage Collaborative Learning 6. Case Studies & Industry Applications 7. Capstone Projects & […]

Annie’s Amazing Deal: 90% OFF 1st month All Fabric Clubs #quilting #holidayquilters #blockofthemonth
Fabric lovers of the world, rejoice! I have been so amazed by the quality of the fabrics offered in Annie’s Fabric Clubs and now you can get 90% off the 1st month on all fabric clubs. (Note: To change from the holiday club to the club of your choice, click the drop-down in the top […]

Getting Smart with Smart Home Cleaning
There are several devices I have come across in the market with some exciting new smart features to try this Fall. For living in a remote cabin in the mountains, we still love our technology and anything I can do to save time on cleaning, I try to explore. WET AND DRY VACUUM H11 & […]

Gifts That Keep Giving
#Giving Tuesday is over but that doesn’t mean to stop giving. You can give money, pack a box, knit a scarf for a homeless person or simply get rid of your old stuff and take it to your local Goodwill. At the beginning of the month, I started cleaning out Fall things and bringing out […]

5 Mobile Marketing Tools to Reach Busy Consumers
With 80 percent of customers using their mobile device to shop, a marketing strategy that does not account for mobile is foolish at best and self-sabotaging at worst. More customers comparison shop online, make retail purchases and use their mobile device to review businesses. These decisions affect their brick and mortar shopping habits and follow […]

CLOSED: iTunes Gift Card GIVEAWAY: New Kia Commercial Has New Improved #Hamsters and Soul
Update: Congratulations, Gina The Kia hamsters are back, bringing soul to the tiny screen as the Kia is transformed itself along with the Hamsters into mean, lean, soul machines. Watch the video below and comment letting me know what you like about the commercial for a chance to win a $25 iTunes gift card. Personally, […]

Week 2 of #CampDreamWorks is underway!
By now, your kids should be having tons of virtual and in-the-real awesome fun with Camp DreamWorks celebrity packed home activities. And, when I say celebrity, you know who I am talking about – the kids’ faves: Shrek, Kung Fu Panda, Toothless, Boss Baby and many more. In case you missed last week’s start, feel […]

GIFTED Movie is a MUST SEE for the whole family!
The whole family will enjoy GIFTED, a movie about a special young girl Mary, played by the very talented Mckenna Grace. Her uncle Frank Adler (Chris Evans) wants her to have a normal life, unlike his sister whose life as a genius drove her to suicide, leaving the child prodigy for Frank to raise. This arrangement doesn’t suit the […]

SO TOTALLY thrilled to announce that FLORENCE FOSTER JENKINS is in theaters August 12! I am so excited to see this movie. Love the historical element of this story and the excellent cast. Some of my faves! First, I am heading over to Fandango to see if I can get some tickets online and see where […]
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